Morgan Cement (AUS) Enables Greater Decarbonization Through FCAS
Tue, 16th Aug 2022

Morgan Cement (AUS) Enables Greater Decarbonization Through FCAS

Customer Background

Morgan Cement is a cement grinding facility that supplies a range of bulk cement products into the New South Wales building, construction and infrastructure markets, through their joint venture partner, Independent Cement and Lime. Morgan Cement is part of the Cement and Lime Division of Adbri, a leading Australian integrated construction materials and lime producing group of companies.

In May 2022, Adbri (Morgan Cement’s parent company) released its Net Zero Emissions Roadmap that establishes new medium-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets on the path to its goal to be net zero emissions by 2050.

The Challenge

To demonstrate its commitment to the local environment and community, Morgan Cement ensures that its Port Kembla activities have minimal impact. This includes focusing on air and water quality, flora, and fauna. Many of Morgan Cement’s local programs have provided great results, but the company continuously seeks to improve the sustainability of their operations and reduce their carbon impact.

Upon learning about joint venture company Independent Cement & Lime’s positive Demand Response experience, VIOTAS were tasked with determining if Morgan Cement’s Port Kembla Mill was a suitable fit for market participation.

Port Kembla Morgan Cement

Image courtesy of Morgan Cement.

The Solution

VIOTAS Field Operations met with Morgan Cement on-site operations and technical teams, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the mill and auxiliary loads. A dedicated Technical Discovery phase was undertaken to analyse how the Port Kembla Mill could participate in the Frequency Response (FCAS) Markets. Through this process, it was determined that the mill could deliver approximately 2MW of curtailable load to help stabilize and decarbonize the grid in times of need.

A comprehensive design and works program for the installation, testing, and commissioning of our core technology VIO Link, was developed and implemented in full consultation with Morgan Cement from start to finish. Disruptions to site operations were minimized through successful collaboration between VIOTAS and the Port Kembla Mill teams.

The Result

Enabling Greater Decarbonization Through FCAS

VIOTAS entered the Port Kembla Mill into the markets in June 2022. Within the first week, there was a Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) event, and the site responded in <2 seconds as predicted. The operations team reported a smooth and uneventful restart after the event.

VIO Link Demand Side Flexibility technology has allowed Morgan Cement to establish and use their operational flexibility to support AEMO in stabilizing the grid’s frequency for all energy users.

“Participating in the Fast Frequency Response energy market means that Morgan Cement is able to support greater decarbonization of the grid, helping us contribute to the business’ goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Paul Bollen, Senior Manager, Production, NSW