Reserve and Emergency Reliability Trader

New revenue and a more reliable grid supply

Get paid to support a reliable grid 

The Reserve and Emergency Reliability Trader (RERT) is a mechanism run by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to help manage significant shortfalls in supply of electricity to consumers.  

These shortfalls are generally caused by unplanned or extreme events. This might include a combination of high demand, extreme weather, natural disasters, generation or transmission outages, or critical infrastructure maintenance.  

Under this mechanism business can be paid to reduce their demand on the grid. This could involve switching to back-up generators or reducing electricity consumption. 

VIOTAS can manage participation of consumers in RERT, making it simple and straight forward to make money and support the operation of the electricity grid. 

VIOTAS The Reserve and Emergency Reliability Trader (RERT)

How it works

Our specialist team will expertly plan, implement, roll-out and support your participation in the electricity market.

Phase 1

VIOTAS onboards and tests your suitable sites.

Our expert team will onboard and test your sites with minimal interruption.​

Phase 2

Join the energy market and play your part in supporting renewable energy.

When the grid requires Demand or Frequency Response support, VIOTAS enables your sites to participate.

Phase 3

Get paid for supporting the grid in times of need.​

Monthly payments with no CAPEX or OPEX investments.

VIOTAS 24/7 Support

24/7 Support

VIOTAS Fully Managed

Fully Managed

VIOTAS Fast Response

Fast Response

VIOTAS Revenue


VIOTAS Reporting

Improved Reporting

Examples of how our customers participate

Mining & Quarrying

Mining & Quarrying

  • Motors
  • Fans
  • Kilns
Data Centres

Data Centres

  • Backup Generators
  • UPSs
Cold Store

Cold Store

  • Refrigeration
  • Compressors


  • Furnaces
  • Smelters
  • Induction Heaters


  • Backup Generators
  • Non-critical Loads
Food & Dairy

Food & Dairy

  • Compressors
  • Chillers
  • WWTP
Water Treatment

Water Treatment

  • Pumps
  • Aerators


  • Pumps
  • Backup Generators

Find out if your business is a fit for RERT

Contact us

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