VIOTAS & iBECOME – Intelligent & Flexible Building Asset Control
Developing intelligent building asset control for comfort optimisation and flexibility. Working together to address the inefficiencies of existing buildings and facilities by creating a paradigm shift in building energy efficiency and flexibility.
What is iBECOME?
iBECOME is a collaborative Horizon 2020 project between ten partners focused on revolutionising building energy efficiency & flexibility through IoT big data and advanced analytics. This novel cloud-based solution utilises a physics-based dynamic simulation to deliver a suite of energy and non-energy services such as comfort and flexibility optimisation, automated fault detection and diagnostics, demand response and 3rd party applications. iBECOME also looks to unlock the next stage of energy efficiency by enabling deep building renovation and measurement & verification (M&V) in novel business models.
- We spend 90% of our time inside a building
- More that 40% of energy is used in buildings
- Roughly 75% of our existing building stock is energy inefficient
- Underperforming Building Energy Management Systems
- Lack of intelligence and interconnectivity in existing buildings
- Internet of Things (IOT) and Big Data evolution
The main motivation behind iBECOME is the need to address the inefficiencies and untapped flexibility potential of existing buildings and facilities either because of underperforming existing BMS or because they are small enough so as to not be equipped with BMS. In such buildings the deployment of the iBECOME solution will allow essential energy savings and comfort improvements at very low cost but also provide the ability to tap into the growing market of demand response, enabling additional revenue streams for the customer’s unlocked energy flexibility.
- Energy, Carbon and Bill savings
- Investments in sustainable energy
- Improved viability of innovative energy services
- Growing offer and uptake of combined energy services
- A growing uptake of innovative data gathering and processing for M&V
- Methods and concepts to ensure reliability of services and trustworthiness of service providers
- Reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions and/or air pollutants
iBECOME encompasses a simple, high-level framework for measuring and/or calculating specific metrics that affect wellness and productivity and according to the most up-to-date research. It projects those metrics into accountable, monetizable value of productivity and asset value increase. The big data output, both in granularity and number of variables that iBECOME can generate, allows a very precise characterisation of the indoor built environment and subsequently an accurate representation of its wellness features.